Repositioning English-Medium Instruction in a Broader International Agenda: Insights from a Survey on Teacher Professional Development
comprehensive internationalization, teacher professional development, higher education, EMI, multilingualismAbstract
As a result of the internationalization of higher education across the globe, many programmes in non-Anglophone countries are shifting to English-medium instruction (EMI) to attract international students and staff, develop global skills in the home student body and increase employability (Dafouz and Smit 2020). Against this background, the purpose of this article is to argue for the need to reposition EMI teacher professional development (TPD) in a broader engagement portfolio, one that aligns more directly with the internationalization strategies of universities and that incorporates all the agencies involved. Adopting an applied linguistic angle, this study focused specifically on the Strategic Action Plan for TPD implemented between 2016-2019 at a large Spanish university. Methodologically, the study drew on an intra-university survey addressed to academic staff (n=2091) as a needs-analysis to tap into lecturers’ views of internationalization and EMI. The results will be useful for universities wishing to develop EMI TPD initiatives from an international perspective. The study closes with a reflection on the implications for the stakeholders involved, from university management, to academic staff, EMI educational developers and English language specialists.Funding
Complutense University of MadridReferences
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