Author Guidelines

Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses (RAEI) publishes full articles and reviews. Before submitting an article or review, please make sure that your text complies with the Author Guidelines (also below). Manuscripts that do not conform with the RAEI style sheet, will be returned for resubmission before being considered for peer-reviewing. We suggest that you use this template.

Any instance of plagiarism, be it in the form of lack of attribution of ideas or literal usage of text without correct mention of sources, will be grounds for instant rejection at any stage of the publication process, when such plagiarism is detected.

A call for papers will be published in the Announcements section inviting authors to submit manuscripts for monographic issues. Editorial proposals on monographic issues are also accepted and must be sent to the journal’s contact email address.

Manuscripts for miscellaneous issues can be submitted all year long.

1 Requirements

Before submitting a manuscript, authors should make sure that the following requirements have been made:

  1. Manuscripts have not been published before or are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  2. Login or Register to make a submission.
  3. Manuscripts have been fully anonymized: remove full name and affiliation; remove references to funding sources; do not include acknowledgements; remove your name from file name; and make sure that document properties have also been anonymized.
  4. Manuscripts are to be submitted in English. Either British or American conventions must be consistently followed at all times.
  5. Manuscripts should be submitted online in Microsoft Word Format (.docx) or Open Document Format (.odt). In case of proposals using symbols (e.g. phonetic transcriptions), you are kindly requested to add a PDF version.
  6. All the personal information regarding authorship should be provided when registering to make a submission: title of the manuscript; authorship (author and co-authors); institutional affiliation, full professional address, including ORCID identifier and e-mail address (preferably an institutional email address).
  7. Authors must state in the “Comments for the Editor" section any personal or economic ties that may be susceptible to influence the conclusions of an original, or otherwise declare the non-existence of a conflict of interest.
  8. If the submitted manuscript is part of a research study having received funding, the following details must be provided in the “Supporting Agencies” section: funding entity, project code, etc. This information must not appear in the submitted file for the sake of anonymity.

2 Manuscripts

2.1 Length

Full-length articles (4,500- 8,000 words in length including title, abstract, keywords, and references).

2.2 First Page of articles

Research articles should begin with the following three elements:

  • Title: informative and unambiguous. With keywords that define the subject of the article.
  • Abstract: the abstract (250-350 words) should consist of one paragraph and be included right before the body of the text.
  • Keywords: a minimum of 8 keywords should be provided, separated by semicolons. Use keywords found in the title of the article and common terms within the area and subject matter.

2.3 General formatting guidelines

The general format of manuscripts must follow the author guidelines of 16th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style.

2.3.1 Text format

A template of the general text format of the manuscripts is available.

The text should be justified at both ends, and written in 1.5 line spacing, except for footnotes and indented quotations (of more than 3 lines). Use a 12-point Times New Roman font for the main text. Except for the first line of each section, the first line of all paragraphs should be indented 0.5 cm, as well as first line of footnotes.

2.3.2 Headings and subheadings

Headings and subheadings are not indented, and they use no period at the end. Use small caps (only for headings) and only capitalise first letters of content words. Arabic numbers are used for headings and their corresponding subheadings, e.g.

3 Results
3.1 Quantitative results
3.1.1 Analysis of denominal bases

2.3.3 Tables & Figures

All tables and figures used in the manuscript should be numbered and referred to by their numbers, e.g., “see in table 2” or “as shown in figure 5”. Make sure the numbers of tables/figures correspond to the ones used within the text.

2.3.4 Images and copyrights

Only images, drawings, photographs, figures, tables, charts, etc. created by the authors of the article are accepted. Authors can also use rights-free images, etc. or those under Creative Commons licences allowing for them to be reused and listing the allowed uses. Rights-protected images, charts, etc. can be used as long as the authors of the article have requested and secured the relevant authorisation from the creators of such images, charts, etc.

2.3.5 Punctuation

Commas and periods should precede closing quotation marks, e.g., “its pairing of function and form.”

Avoid using commas before and and or in series of over two items.

Square brackets are recommended for incomplete data or adapted quotations within the text, e.g. “[a] slightly productive process”. Slash marks (/ /) are used for phonemic transcription.

2.3.6 Numbers & dates

Numbers from zero to one hundred, as well as number followed by hundred, thousand, etc., should be spelled out. Also, numbers that are used at the beginning of sentences are to be spelled out.

Dates are written without comma when only month and year are used (June 25) but standard dates use a comma between day and year (July 12, 1998). Decades are preferably expressed in numerals (the 1930s).

2.3.7 Italics

Italics are only used for emphasis, foreign etymons, technical words and lemmas that are used or cited as subjects of discussion. Likewise, titles of books, periodicals, films, etc. will be written in italics.

2.3.8 Quotations

References in the text to publications should include the author's surname, the year of publication, and, if necessary, page numbers, as in the following example:

As Wilson (1997a, 16) suggests...
This has been pointed out by several authors (Wilson 1996, 123-126; Thompson 1998)

All quotations should be used following the original spelling and format of the source hol texts. If the author wishes to emphasise words within the texts, these can be italicised with discretion, and these changes should be indicated: “these functions belong to the global metacognition” (Cruise 2014, 34; italics added). If the emphasis is already marked in the original text, this should also be indicated: “the teaching and acquisition not of a foreign but an international language” (Prieto-Aranz & Jacob 2019, 13; italics in the original)

If a part of the quotation is deleted, [...] (three periods enclosed in brackets should be used). They should be avoided at the beginning or end of quotations which are syntactically complete.

2.3.9 Indented quotations

Quotations of up to about 75 words should be run into the surrounding text. Longer quotations should be detached from the main text and be indented (0.5 cm). Quotation marks are not used. The text should be 1.5 spacing, as the main text, but written in an 11-point font.

2.3.10 Hyphen

The use of hyphen is recommended, rather than parentheses. It should be used without any space before and after it.

2.3.11 Footnotes

Footnotes should be numbered, and the text is single-spaced and indented (0.5 cm). Authors should resort to footnotes with discretion, and avoid using them to give bibliographical references.

2.3.12 Examples

If the authors decide to provide a list of examples, these should be numbered, indented (0.5 cm) and witten in 11-point font.

(1) That stinko seems aggressive.
(2) Yes, that’s the one. That’s the sicko I told you about.

3 Book Reviews

RAEI accepts book reviews that have been published within the last two years prior to date of submission.

The reviews are expected to be of approx. 1,500-2,000 words, and they will conform to the author’s guidelines.

4 Bibliographical References

All the references mentioned throughout the text must be added to the section ‘Works Cited’.

Specific pages should be used for all the quotation.

Surname of the first author should be written in small caps.

Leave page number in full for both in text-citations and for pages in the works cited (e.g., Nilsson 2000, 115-126). Do not use abbreviated forms, as in 115-26.

Do not use Latin reference tags (op. cit., ibidem, etc.).

Use initialisms to indicate that some information is not available:

  • (n.p.) for ‘no publisher’, ‘no place of publication’ or ‘no page’.
  • (n.d.) for ‘no date’.

The names of publishers or publishing company names will be as much abbreviated as possible: avoid using ‘Co.’ or ‘Inc.’ and descriptive words (Publishing, etc.). The words ‘university’ and ‘press’ will be abbreviated in any of the corresponding forms: U of Chicago P or Oxford UP.

The full names of authors will be provided.

If any of the author-date cases of citation are not listed here, please check the Chicago Manual of Style (16th Edition) for further referencing.

4.1 Books and book chapters

Chomsky, Noam. 1986. Knowledge of Language: Its nature, Origin, and Use. New York: Praeger.
(Chomsky 1986, 36)
Huggins, Mike and James Anthony Mangan. 2004a. “Prologue: All Mere Complexities.” In Huggins and Mangan 2004b, ix-xx.
(Huggins and Mangan 2004a)
Bauer, Laurie, Rochelle Lieber and Ingo Plag. 2015. The Oxford Reference Guide to English Morphology. Oxford: Oxford UP.
(Bauer et al. 2015)

4.2 Edited books

Gippert, Jost, Nikolaus P. Himmelmann and Ulrike Mosel, eds. 2006. Essentials of language documentation (Trends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs 178). Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Both chapter books and the edited volume should be cited:

Simpson, Clare S. 2007. “Capitalising on Curiosity: Women’s Professional Cycle Racing in the Late-Nineteenth Century.” In Horton, Rosen and Cox 2007, 47-66.
Horton, Dave, Paul Rosen and Peter Cox, eds. 2007. Cycling and Society. Aldershot: Ashgate.

4.3 Conference proceedings

Przedlacka, Joanna, John Maidment and Michael Ashby, eds. 2013. Proceedings of PTLC 2013. Papers from the Phonetics Teaching and Learning Conference. London: PTLC.

4.4 Translations

Holquist, Michael. 1984. Prologue to Rabelais and his World, by Mikhail Bakhtin, xiii-xxiii. Translated by Hélène Iswolsky. Bloomington: Indiana UP.

4.5 Reprints

Booij, Geert. (2005) 2007. The Grammar of Words. Oxford: Oxford UP.

4.6 Articles

Kastovsky, Dieter. 1986. “The Problem of Productivity in Word-formation.” Linguistics 24: 585-600.
(Kastovsky 1986, 587)

Online articles require DOI (Digital Object Identifier), at the end of the reference, with full and safe URL link, without prefixes.

Bergh, G., & Ohlander, S. 2019. “A Hundred Years of Football English: A Dictionary Study on the Relationship of a Special Language to General Language”. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses / Alicante Journal of English Studies 32: 15-43.

DOI can be checked through Simple Text Query on Crossref.

If DOI is not found, URL link and date of access will be provided.

4.7 Newspaper and website articles

When quoting online texts, the URL and date of access should be included.

Plath, Sylvia. 1965. “The Colossus.” Poetry Foundation. [Accessed online on Juny 4, 2020]

4.8 Unpublished dissertations

Baker, Will. 2009. “Intercultural Awareness and Intercultural Communication through English: An Investigation of Thai English Language Users in Higher Education.” PhD diss., University of Southampton.

4.9 Lectures/paper presented at conferences

Edwards, Paul. “Girl Reading: Wyndham Lewis and Iris Barry.” Lecture given at the Leeds Art Fund, Leeds, March 2016.